
30 with 30

Hey everyone! I know I'm just on time...
The challenge starts today. And I haven't posted a picture on instagram yet because....I'm not dressed yet! hahaha.

I got back to Toronto last night and I'm taking it easy. I do however, have all the pieces of my wardrobe to show you. Katie at Loverly She decided to do 36 pieces rather than 30- so I did too. It also makes for nice picture groups of four.

First of all I have to introduce this a little bit. Why am I doing this you ask? It's not like me to include many pictures of myself, especially in a fashion sense. Because for the most part I lack a fashion sense, I like what I like and it's not really defined by brand names, or the quality of the clothing, what it's made of, or who else in the world wears it. I mean- I get ideas from others. My fashion icon is probably Donna from That 70s Show.

So anywho. The reason I'm doing this is because I'm sort of trying to get a larger audience so that in the future when I'm trying to market my art, I'll already have a following. The marketing of my work is pretty small scale now, but who knows how this could take off and land support for my future career. Social networking is pretty crucial for artists, and it looks like I'm going to need to hop on board. 

The other reason is because I think this could be kind of fun. Pretend I am fashionable for 31 days, and see if I can use pieces in my closet (mostly my dresses and skirts) that don't often see the light. 

So anyways- here are my 36 items!



More tops

And more tops...




Cropped tops


So there you have it. Follow me on instagram to see my everday outfit posts and feel free to join in. Tag your outfits as #30with30.


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