
Home again

Well I've been listening to Leon Redbone quite a bit lately- I bought this record at Black Market and am in love.

As you may have seen or heard on Facebook, I dropped my phone in the toilet this morning (thankfully my own clean toilet), and had a bit of a crazy time trying to get myself up north to see the fam jam. But I'm here! I'm so glad to be here. It's kind of fun to come just for a night or two and get a quick snapshot of life here again. Sunburns & mosquitoes & tea.

I also don't really mind that my phone is toast right now. It means I can relax knowing that work can't call me in, and nobody can bug me during my time here. I'm sure it will bother me tomorrow when I get home, but right now it's a relief.

I finally got some pieces hanging for sale in the Well so if you want to support me- buy one! That is...if you want to.

I also grabbed our old film developing stuff so prepare for some more photos once I buy some strange toxic chemicals to develop them. I feel like a chemist when I make pictures.

I'm picking up as many hours at work as possible, but it's still not really enough. For now I'll paint and look for jobs and hopefully I'll either make money on paintings or I'll find a day-job. I've applied to Value Village which could be cool, but at the same time I'd like to be able to sell a painting or two. Or something.

Here's another song for the day.

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