Hey all. So I know- I've been absent from this for a bit. As I said yesterday I've been working like mad. Today I deposited my first load of tips which felt pretty good (despite the meager $111 it amounted to). Which doesn't include two grocery runs & the purchase of some sunscreen and a chocolate bar, haha.
Anyways- I will now show you our couch. Drum roll please.....
Anyways- I will now show you our couch. Drum roll please.....
As you can kind of see- I had a bit of a sewing fail this week. It doesn't quite do up. I made the whole thing too short by about 4" and the zipper just can't take the pressure, so I have to take it apart and add a bit more fabric to make it work. But I really love the fabric which I scored for like $3 at Value Village and I still have a ton more of it. I made it double sided, but I can't actually flip the mattress over myself so another day I'll show you the other side. (Maybe after I've fixed it and it can do up).
Aj and I have often said we're against futons- we'd rather have a big ol' hundred million pound pullout. But now that we have it, it's quite quaint and I don't mind it so much. It's a couch after all, and it cost us $60 and the guy helped Aj get it in here so that was nice. It beats the foam inserts from the last couch which we've been sitting on for the last two months.
These are the shoes I got- aren't they sweet?!
Aj made pancakes the other day and I whipped an entire carton of whipping cream. Geesh. We've eaten about half. So I guess that means I better make a cake or something to put that stuff on. Oh- and isn't he the sweetest? It was nice to have some time together this weekend even though it was spread out and short.
I had a bit of a restless night last night and happened to be awake when Aj was getting up for work (5:30). So I got up with him and had some breakfast. I snapped this shot right before he grabbed his lunch and sunscreen and tied up his grass-green dyed boots to go. I miss him during the days.
Here are a few throwback pictures:
A few weeks ago.
Before we had everything set up in the new place we played cards on the bed. I like this one.
This is the bathroom window of the old apartment that overlooked the cemetery. I miss the view. We have a window in our new shower too, but the view isn't as nice- it's a parking lot.
I had said yesterday that I might show pictures of the living room so as promised here's a snapshot of it as it is right now. We're still playing around with the set up because of the couch (it's really thrown us off organizationally). So it's a mess. We're always a mess really. Oh well.
We had planned to go to Belleville this weekend but I don't think my family is going anymore, and I couldn't get it off of work. I have worked every day for almost 2 weeks- which I don't mind but it would have been nice to have one day off when I wanted it. Ah well- c'est la vie. Perhaps this weekend I'll clean up this place and get back on track with cooking, and set up our air conditioner (because it's summer finally).
I just finished reading the Gunslinger by Stephen King and I can feel the second in the series calling me so adios.
I love having time to read (and ignore the mess around me).
hmmm, with two artists in the house, that bathroom window could be turned into a beautiful scene, instead of the parking lot....just a thought, honey ! <3