
little things

Guys, today has been really weird.
It's the first day off I've had with nothing due, or pressing to do since a long time- or it feels like it anyway.

And I don't know what to do with myself.
I laid around for a long time. I read a book (yes. the whole thing). I painted a little. I went out and bought some canvases, paints, and a few groceries. I puttered around. I haven't spoken a word since Aj left at 8ish this morning (and at that point I was in a sleepy daze)...

I thought having time off would be nice, and maybe it would be if I had prepared for it. But it snuck up on me completely. I have things I could do, but I'm just so confused about how I happened onto the time to do them that I haven't done them. I should have gone for a walk, it always clears my head a little.

At the same time I am so thankful for a bit of a break to recoup! I am definitely not bummed that I have nothing important to do.

Here are the paintings I've been working on. They're very small- 3x4" if I'm correct. When they're finished (her boobs are a little wonky, and chippy's hardly an underpainting), they'll be on sale at the artisan's fair on MAY 3rd at THE WELL. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.

I'm thinking between $30-40 depending on how much more time I spend on them.
I'm also in the middle of building a website just for art, so stay tuned.


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