
30 in 30

I mentioned a few posts ago that I would explain what I'm jumping into with my blog.

The specific idea of 30 with 30 is to create 30 outfits in 30 days using 30 pieces from your wardrobe.
"Loverly She Blog"

I'm going to be linking up with Katie at Loverly She, and maybe some others (not really sure) to do this thing. I'm excited and nervous for this. You can find the link to Katie's blog on the link above or on my sidebar.

I think the idea will be that I will post at the beginning of May, the items of clothing (my 30!), then every day I'll be posting my daily outfit on Instagram, and at the end of the week I'll put up my favourites, and perhaps a small version of all of them for those of you who aren't on Instagram (shame on you...).

I'm looking forward to this for a few reasons. 

1. When we moved and we were packing our clothes we were trying to get rid of as much as we can. This is basically how it went:
Aj- do you really need these? you never wear them...

Hayley- yes, I might one day.

(My drawings of Aj all look the same, maybe I'll do a post about it).

So it will be cool to use these pieces that sit in the back of our wardrobe collecting dust for that perfect day they'll be cool again, in the 30 in 30 and get them some sun! 

2. I am not really a selfie-taker. Maybe a little, but I usually don't share them. haha, maybe that's worse I don't know. I'm a closet selfie-taker. I occasionally snap one for snap chat, but only for my sister cause she's obsessed with sending me weird selfies, so I often send her ones of just my nostril or something. (Snapchat is lame, I have concluded. It could be cool, but nobody ever sends me funny things, and that's really why I have it. I don't actually want to send you things). 

Anyways, I have heard that my blog is lacking photos of people other than Aj, mostly myself. And I didn't really expect that people wanted to see pictures of me doing the things I write about, but realized that's what I look for in other blogs. I hate reading really long posts like I write. So I'm kind of hoping that including dorky pictures of myself at the beach in all my outfits will somehow get me more followers, and I can write less words. 

Hope you're having a sweet weekend. 

Stay tuned for some dorky beach outfit posts starting in MAY!



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