

So I was gone for the weekend. And I didn't bring my laptop so that's why you haven't heard much from me (except on Instagram).

So last I wrote, was Wednesday. Aj had just left, and I had just had a weird phone call with my manager where he gave me the choice to come in to work or not and when I hesitated told me to stay home because I obviously was depressed or something.

We had Grandpa's celebration service. It was beautiful. We underestimated how many people would show up. His choir came and gave a heart wrenching performance of This Little Light of Mine, we sang It is Well, and had a time of sharing and a lot of tears. I even shared a little bit. It was poorly written, (on the spot kind of), and I could barely say the few sentences I had written down and had to stop to cry several times but I think (hope) it was meaningful.

The rest of the weekend I hung out with my family, we drank lots of tea, cried quietly, but also laughed, and played games, and ate a ton of good food.

Here's a weird thing. My instax mini broke last week, it just stopped working all of a sudden. When I got home, grandma had the same one that I have on her counter and said, "I won this and I don't want it- here you go." Same colour and everything. Weeeeeird.

So anyways, here are some pictures of my weekend. And I will probably do a father's day post within the week (since my mom's was a little late... )!

My pretty sisters on a beautiful day.

Kieran snap chatted this to me. My mum had sore feet so she was putting them up for a bit... ha.

That's popcorn in the bottom right. yum.

Kieran's face is priceless.

Kieran and Grandma

Here's my friendo coming home.

And this morning I woke up and found this picture on my phone which I suppose Aj took before he left for work. My hair though!

Anyways, I hope y'all had a good weekend.
Stay tuned for some funny pictures of my dad.


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