
Instagram vs. Blog + Holiday wishes?

I'm in a constant battle with myself. I can't reuse photos from Facebook or Instagram for blogging...which I have the tendency to do. But who wants to see things they've seen somewhere else. The only extra you get is a stupid little blurb about the picture. 

So. My solution? I've downloaded a new app for editing my pictures- for those of you that follow A Beautiful Mess blog, I've succumbed to purchasing their app. It's nice because I can post to Instagram, Facebook or just save my photos. So now that I'm using that, I don't have to publish every picture to my other social networking sites. 

I'm the worst person for blogging because I'm also the kind of person that's late for everything, forgets important things (like my apartment keys...), and makes Christmas cards but forgets to send them. I have a bunch of cool ideas, that never make it here. Same with my art. I have ideas and stuff, but whenever I get down to making something I forget what they are. And every time I reorganize my life, it doesn't take long at all to re-disorganize. And art school sort of makes it easy for this to happen, because its the curse of an artist, and all of my professors are artists. It's an endless cycle. I don't do my homework, but it's ok because the prof forgot anyway. 

My goal right now before I make a complete personality change to keep up with dates and homework, birthdays and everything else going on, is to keep my apartment clean. So wish me luck for that. 

On another note- happy winter!

I slipped on the ice yesterday and have a gnarly bruise on my knee. Thankfully we missed the ice storm when it hit, we were visiting the family up north. AND it's really cold outside. So I just don't go out there much.

And we don't get snowdays. Unless things get crazy crazy. OH! and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



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