

So, after my last post, I've done a bit of reorganizing.

It all started because I love our apartment. It's everything I would want in a place. Except it's too small, and the laundry business. But otherwise, our lease is flexible, we're allowed to paint the walls, or renovate the kitchen - the landlord himself said, "it's a dogs' breakfast". So as two messy (REALLY MESSY) artists, it's the perfect place. It's also pretty convenient, it's right on Yonge St. and very close to the subway. What more could we ask for. It would be so hard to find a bigger place as relaxed as this...although I'll be keeping my eye out just in case. 

So anyway, Andrew and I have been throwing around the ideas of renting studio space, finding a bigger apartment, or staying here and using the school as a studio. Then it occurred to us that we could attempt to reorganize the apartment to make a studio. 

Aj had mentioned this to me before and at the time, I was way too comfortable with having the typical living room, and bedroom separate. But now that I've been in school for 4 months, I've realized I need to re-prioritize if I want to stay here and be productive.

It had gotten to the point that we never wanted to make any art, because it was a huge hassle to set anything up, or just to move around. So we were pretty lazy, and never did a thing.

This idea was sort of an impulse thing. We thought of it last night, and then moved on it today. 
Here are my pictures from before the switch- 
Living Room
When we were originally moving in, we were pretty excited- but we also knew we only had so much space. We made blueprints of the place and measured all of our things, and made floorplans for how we'd fit everything in. Thankfully, we had those plans saved, so it was easy just to move things around on the computer to make sure this would work. So we dragged and dropped and had two working plans. We decided based on how much floor space each new plan offered, so the plan with the most floor space won. 

I was like, "let's wait til study week, so we have time to do this and so that we have more time to think it out." and he was like, "ok".

Then we got home from school and he starts re-measuring everything, walls, the fishtank, EVERYTHING. So I'm like, "what are you doing?" and he's like, "lets do it today." and excitement took over and we started throwing stuff around and taking everything apart and whatnot. We ended up moving all of our furniture but now we still have to move everything else back in. So it's like we've moved all over again, and we have one weekend to finish moving and the rest of our homework from first week back. There's still a bunch of little things that we didn't think about and no longer have homes, but I'm sure they'll find one. 

I'm really excited about the new arrangement, I'm hoping it encourages us to be more productive. The studio is pretty empty. It also only has two-hole plugs, so no computers, or anything good. It's a comfy open space to work. And there's not much else we can do in there. 

Here's the new layout- 

Wish us luck! 

We dropped the TV in the process, and ruined one of my drawings which is due next week. I knew something would get wrecked. But Aj fixed the TV, it just doesn't have any buttons anymore, and we can't seem to find the clicker for it - even though we just tore apart the place. And my drawing- who even cares. I'll be making so much stuff now!

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