
My kitchen!

So as promised, now that I've got a camera or two kickin' about. Here is a glimpse into my tiny world/apartment. This is my kitchen!

this is the whole of our counter space. yes, it is small. and yes, the stove is small, and the fridge is small. these are not regular sized appliances. they are small. everything is small in this small space. you may have noticed some of our cupboards are missing doors. they fell off. i would love to rip the rest of the doors off and paint the frames and interior of the cupboards, but we'll probably only be here for a year. so. no renos this time. it is cute though, and very cozy.

this is our fridge. my mom gifted the magnets to me for my birthday last year. i like them. our friends always leave strange sentences on the fridge like: 'i did jump above a warm puppy', or 'like the essential heart i jump with surprise comfort'.

we painted the walls with chalkboard paint for another surface to doodle on. Tom found the chalk when he visited and left us some nice artwork. same with our bath markers in the tub. our coat rack is pretty packed but we're getting better at keeping so we can actually get to the living room.

aj went on a camping trip in the summer & i made this banner for his return (which he didn't notice anyway), and we always forget it's there. i sort of like it now and it just stays there to welcome us home (when we notice it) every time we come home. 

aj bought these tiny incense cones which smell so good. however, we've lit a few too many fires with them. have to keep an eye on that stuff. i really like our mismatch chairs. we found the blue wooden one at a garage sale. its super heavy, but it's cute and blue. the other one is this ugly (but sweet) orange thing with rusty legs. I have no idea where in the heck it came from but it's nice.

our calendar has pictures of outhouses on it which you can't see in this picture. my orange apron is my favourite thing. it was my moms.

A and I have so many pairs of sunglasses. so, being crafty and whatnot, i crafted this rack for them. they each have a slot. it's handy for storing all sorts of things. the chalk eraser is usually in there and my extra phone cases have made their way there too. + our door is magnetic. that's my birthday card up there & my parents. nice!

& here's where my belt rug ended up. we have way too many shoes that spill all over the place and we trip all the day long. 

so there's my kitchen. i'll show you another room soon.


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