

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I sort of miss winter. I listened to this song a lot in the winter, and can remember being all bundled up and longing for warm air, warm toes, swimming, all good summer things. And it's an intimate time I think. Being bundled, sort of makes you hide inside yourself, and know yourself. And I miss my scarves, my layers, closeness to myself. I miss bein' cozy, being by the fire. Even though I miss it, it will obviously come again, and I'm glad it's summer, and warm, and time for the beach. Seasons are strange things, and they do strange things to me. So anyway, being sick this past week has made me miss winter a lot.. winter does seem like the best time to be ill. And that's all I've got to say today.

Oh. one more thing. I have a job interview tomorrow for a seamstress job at a store called 'Hop Skip Jump' which is a store for baby supplies, outfits, whatnot. Which is exciting. And its surrounded by thrift stores. So anywho, you can wish me luck for my interview- I really need to find a job.




More neat finds!

 Hey !
So I finally was able to take some pictures of some of my house things. And there's some pretty neat stuff.

First there's this rug. It's pretty neat. Aj found it in his shed, haha.

This is my kettle. Which is a beaut, and came with a matching teapot. The only bummer about this guy, is it doesn't have a handle. And the shoelace taking a handle's place, isn't doing very well. But, found it at a garage sale for like 50c. So I scooped it up!

Now these... will be the stars of my kitchen. Another thrift store find- my salt and pepper shakers. They're plastic, and absolutely ridiculous. But I love em.

And ! My dishes. I had a lot of dishes that my family had saved up for me. And I was so excited to use them. But, one day I was at a thrift store and found these black octagonal dishes. $3.00 for the entire set. Like 8 of everything- plates, little plates, saucers, bowls, mugs and teacups. What a steal! So my old chipped (& kind of ugly) dishes are going to Gwyn. hahah.

This clock has a bit of a story, but the story isn't mine.
It is the type of clock that the school uses- anyone at Banting would recognize this baby. And I think it's pretty neat to have it!

So anywho. There's some more of my handed down, gifted, or thrifted household things. I'm proud to say that almost everything I own has been free, or nearly free & I don't think the majority of my stuff is ugly! Which is pretty impressive for free.

I'll have more for you within the next few weeks.
